Monday, April 11, 2011

Origami Grasshopper

This is an origami grasshopper of my own design. Following the most basic of rules, this grasshopper was constructed from one square with no cuts or gluing done. I am working to make a version with antennae. As you can see, it does not like to stay flat.

Scratchbuilt Anti-Tank Gun

This one took a while to make. I worked on it on and off for about five months before I finally called it complete. I first built the main gun then could not decide how to tackle the rest of it. It is completely scratchbuilt from paper and was colored with a mixture of acrylic paints and a metallic sharpie. The wheels were the largest obstacle as I could not make something that I was satisfied with until I decided to make them spoked. The wheels can spin and the bracing legs can be adjusted. Once again, the lego brick is included for scale.

Panhard AMD-35 Paper model

A 1/72 scale paper model of a Panhard AMD-35 that I made a few years back. The plans were downloaded from a Japanese website that I have long lost the link to. It came in black and white so I painted it with watercolor paints. The base was made by mixing dirt and debris with white glue and spreading it out on aluminum foil. Due to the foil being a non porous surface, the glue is easily removed. I spent a total of about 4 hours on this from start to finish.

Kamen Rider Ichigo

Kamen rider is a long running franchise in Japan in a similar vein to Power rangers in the US. This was basically a proof of concept piece seeing how well I could make fabric textures in the scale. It was sculpted from terra cotta color milliput and painted with testors enamels. A total of five to six hours spread over three days were needed for the sculpting work. No armature was used, a mistake I will not make again.

Kamen Rider (C) Ishinomori Pro

Laputa Robot

By far one of my smallest sculpted pieces, this is a recreation of the robot from Hayao Miyazaki's film Laputa. It is made from terracotta colored milliput sculpting putty formed around an armature made of staples and painted with a mixture of testors enamel model paints. A total of around five hours were spent on this piece. The lego brick is included for scale.

Laputa (C) Hayao Miyazaki

First Post

This blog will basically be a catalog of some of my works and maybe serve as a portfolio if/when I need it. Now that that's out of the way the next posts will be filled with pictures so get ready!